Surgeon. Looking for a surgeon in Zakynthos (Zante) or Lefkas?
In Clinic Galenus we operate a standard and fully-equipped General Surgery Division covering the range of needs from diagnosis and preoperative to invasive treatment and final rehabilitation for all surgical operations requiring suppression (with local anesthesia).
The Future of Surgery
Galenus knows that the future of surgery is creating the necessary infrastructure to support it. The surgery procedures are simplified. After the necessary preoperative control, which takes place the previous day, the patient undergoes surgery and remains in the recovery unit for a short time before being taken home on the same day.

The Strictest Regulations
Operations are carried out in a highly organized area, which has been designed according to the highest international standards. The operating theatres are equipped with modern medical equipment on the cutting edge of technology. The recovery areas offer a comfortable and safe wait, under the supervision of specialized personnel.
In addition one day care offers the significant advantage of short hospitalization and quick return to daily living after the operation.